Course Registration
1. Number of Credits
- A. Students can register for a minimum of 1 credit and a maximum of 19 credits per semester.
B. Students meeting one of the following may register for an additional 3 credits per semester:
1) Have never received a grade of F in any course and have an overall GPA of 3.75 or above
2) Earned at least 17 credits without receiving a grade of F in the previous semester (applicable only for regular semesters) and have a GPA of 3.75 or above
3) Are enrolled in the Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Program
2. Courses and Similar Courses
1. Academic Regulations
- - First year: Students who have acquired no more than 33 credits
- Second year: Students who have registered for 3 or more semesters and acquired from 34 to 67 credits
- Third year: Students who have registered for 5 or more semesters and acquired from 68 to 101 credits
- Fourth year: Students who have registered for 7 or more semesters and acquired at least 102 credits
2. Retaken Courses
A. Eligibility
1) Courses in which a grade of C+ (grade point: 2.50) or lower has been given may be retaken.
2) Courses recognized for the credit transfers of general transfer students or domestic/international exchange students cannot be retaken.
B. Grading for Retaken Courses
1) The grade for a retaken course cannot exceed an A (grade point: 4.00).
2) The highest available grade for a retaken course becomes lower every time that same course is retaken.
3) Courses in which students have received a lower grade and which are therefore not reflected in the GPA are marked with an R (retaken).
4) Items 2) and 3) apply to courses taken for the first time after 2014.
3. Credit Withdrawal
A. Eligibility
1) Students who have registered for 7 or more semesters and completed 106 credits or more
- In the case of undergraduate transfer students, only senior (4th-year) students are eligible.
- Students in a dual degree program are not eligible.
B. Withdrawal of Credits
1) Up to 6 credits may be withdrawn, only once before graduation
2) Courses taken prior to the second semester of 2013 may be withdrawn.
3) For courses taken after the first semester of 2014, they can be withdrawn if they are cancelled and cannot be retaken.
A. Eligibility
4. Credit Acknowledgment
A. Credit Transfer for General Transfer Students
1) The credit transfer form and academic transcript from the previously attended school must be submitted to the department administration office.
2) If credits are accepted, such courses are marked as S on the academic transcript and cannot be retaken.
3) General transfer students can receive credits for up to half of the minimum required credits for the required subjects of their first and second majors and/or dual degree, respectively.
B. Credit Transfer for Domestic/International Exchange Students
1) Credit transfer and the approval for courses taken at other universities are determined by the department head (head professor).
2) Courses taken at Korea University cannot be retaken at other universities.
3) Required general education courses, core general education courses, and teacher training courses must be taken at Korea University.
4) At least one half of the credits in a student’s major (including first major, second major, minor major, and dual degree) required for graduation must be taken at Korea University.
5) To request the approval of credits, fill in the application form at KUPID > Registration/Graduation > Grade Inquiries > Transferring Credits from Other Universities
6) Attach the academic transcript to the application form for the approval of credits and submit them to the department administration office.
1) Dual degree students are required to submit a course approval certificate and academic transcript to the department administration office before dual degree courses begin.
2) Up to 21 credits can be recognized as dual degree courses, when approved by the head of the department prior to approval for the dual degree.
3) If a student completes a dual degree course which has already been completed for a minor major, the minor major becomes invalid.
1. Graduation Requirements
A. Credit Requirements for Graduation
(1) The details of required credits for graduation are as below (Also specified on KUPID):
졸업학점 Course Type Required Credits for Graduation General Education courses (Required) - Students enrolled in 2017 or before: 10 credits
- Students enrolled in 2018 or after: 13 creditsCore General Education courses - Students enrolled in 2017 or before: 9 credits (3 out of 7 areas shall be completed) - Students enrolled in 2018 or after: 6 credits
Major-Related Elective
- 12 credits (Computer Programming I & II / Computational Mathmatics I, II)
Basic Major Required
- Students enrolled in 2015 or before: 6 credits (Data Structures / Computer Structures) - Students enrolled in 2016 or after: 18 credits (Data Structures / Computer Architecture / Algorithms / Operating Systems / Computer Network / Databases)
Basic Major Elective
- Students enrolled in 2015 or before: 36 credits
- Students enrolled in 2016 or after: 24 credits
Advanced Major
- 30 credits from major electives
- 130 credits -
(2) Credit requirements for dual degree/minor major/double major/transfer students are as below:
이수학점 Dual Degree Minor Major Double Major General Transfer Transfer with a Bachelors’ Degree 54 major courses credits 21 major courses credits 42 major courses credits Appointed to individuals based on approved courses by credit transfer 58 major courses credits
(1) The details of required credits for graduation are as below (Also specified on KUPID):
- B. Other Requirements for Graduation
- - A second major is required (not applicable to those who transferred with a bachelor’s degree)
- - The Certification of Comprehension of Chinese Characters is NOT required.
- Acquisition of one of the official foreign language test scores shown below is required (Test date shall be after college entrance.)
졸업요구조건 TOEIC TOEFL TOSEL(A) TEPS New TEPS IELTS PBT CBT IBT 650 530 197 71 512 571 245 5.5 - At least five foreign language-mediated courses shall be completed.
International undergraduates enrolled from the second semester of 2017 must achieve a score of at least level 5 on the TOPIK during their studentship period due to intensified Korean language courses and the limits for taking major courses. Therefore, there is no need to require an additional Korean language certification as a graduation requirement.
(Currently, the graduation requirement for students enrolled from 2011 to 2017 is TOPIK level 4.)
English-mediated courses, official certification of foreign language, official certification of Korean language, and certification of comprehension of Chinese characters are NOT required.
2. Early Graduation
A. Eligibility
- (1) Students who have completed at least 17 credits each semester with no F grades.
- (2) Students who have completed 108 credits or more from their fifth (or sixth) semesters.
- (3) Students who have achieved an overall GPA of 4.0 or above.
- (4) Transfer students cannot apply for early graduation.
B. Applying for Early Graduation
- (1) To apply, go to KUPID > Registration/Graduation > Graduation > Early Graduation.
C. Early Graduation for Special Circumstances
- (1) Students who have achieved an overall GPA of 4.0 or above for seven semesters.
- (2) Submit the Application for Early Graduation and Recommendation Letter for Pursuing a Master’s Program
3. Graduation Honors
A. Graduation honors are given to students who have met all the graduation requirements, completed at least 17 credits in each semester with no F grades, and meet certain standards as specified below:
- (1) Honors: For students with an overall GPA of 3.75 or above
- (2) Great Honors: For students with an overall GPA of 4.00 or above
- (3) Highest Honors: For students with an excellent overall GPA
B. Commendations
- (1) “Graduation with Honors” is transcribed on the student’s academic record.
- (2) Graduation with highest honors is awarded.
C. Important Notes
- Students exceeding the time limits for course completion are not eligible for graduation honors.
Administration of Registration
1. Leaves of Absence / Return (Re-enrollment)
A. Application Period
- (1) Regular semesters: February 1 (August 1) to February 25 (August 25)
- (2) Mid-semester leaves: Submit application to the department administration office.
B. Application Procedure
- (1) Leave of absence and return in general: Apply through KUPID and the department administration office confirms
- (2) Leave of absence due to military service: Apply through KUPID with an attachment (Notice of Military Enlistment)
- (3) Leave of absence after military service: Apply through KUPID with an attachment (Certificate of Military Service / Certificate of Military Career)
(4) Leave of absence for medical treatment: Up to one year is permitted in addition to the period of leave of absence in general.
* Students must submit a medical statement issued by the head of Korea University Hospital or other general hospitals that recommends the treatment of four more weeks, along with a confirmation letter from the advising professor. - (5) A newly transferred student cannot apply for a leave of absence on their first semester unless the absence is due to military service.
C. Period of Leaves of Absence
(1) Leave of absence in general: Three years (six semesters)
(2) Leave of absence due to military service: Three years(3) Leave of absence for medical treatment: Up to one more year is permitted
(1) Leave of absence in general: Three years (six semesters)
D. Tuition Refund
From the start of a semester Tuition (lecture fee) refund ratio Until March 31 (September 30) 5/6 Until April 30 (October 31) 2/3 Until May 31 (November 30) 1/2 After June 1 (December 1) None
2. Voluntary Withdrawal
- A. Application Procedure: Fill in the Voluntary Withdrawal Form and submit it to the department administration office
B. Tuition Refund: Processed according to the general tuition refund policy
3. Withdrawal
A. Conditions for Withdrawal
- (1) Students who fail to return within the registration period after their leave of absence
- (2) Students who fail to register for a semester before the deadline
- (3) Students who have been dismissed according to a disciplinary measure
- (4) Students who have exceeded the studentship period
- (5) Students who have been placed on academic probation for three consecutive semesters
- B. Students withdrawn after exceeding the studentship period are not allowed to apply for re-admission.
4. Re-admission
A. Eligibility
- (1) Students in the first two conditions for withdrawal (failing to return within the registration period after a leave of absence / failing to register for a semester before the deadline) may apply for re-admission after the end of one semester.
- (2) Students in other conditions of withdrawal may apply for re-admission after the end of two semesters or more, depending on the situation.
- B. Application Period: Early June / Early December
C. Important Notes
- (1) Credits earned before the withdrawal may be admitted.
- (2) Re-admission fees (half the amount of the admission fee in the relevant school year) shall be paid in addition to the tuition fees.
- (3) Re-admission of withdrawn students is permitted only once.
- (4) Students cannot apply for a leave of absence on their first semester after re-admission.
5. Transfer
A. Types of Transfer
- (1) General transfer: Undergraduates who have completed at least two years of a four-year college, graduates (graduates-to-be) of a two-year diploma course, or other students recognized with an equal or higher academic standing.
- (2) Transfer with a bachelor’s degree: Students who have obtained (or are candidates of) bachelor’s degrees or those who are recognized with an equal or higher academic standing.
6. Correction of Information in the School Register
A. Editing Personal Information
- (1) To edit, go to KUPID > Registration/Graduation > University Registration > Edit University Registration.
- (2) To edit the guardian information, students must submit the Resident Registration Certificate to the department administration office.
B. Editing English Name
- (1) Required documents : School Register Information Correction Request Form, A copy of Identification card or passport
(2) Submission of documents
제출방법 Submitted by
Submit to Enrolled students
The department administration office
One-stop Service Center
E-mail : onestop1@korea.ac.kr(Humanities and Social Sciences) / onestop2@korea.ac.kr(Natural Sciences and Engineering)
Fax : 02-929-2380(Humanities and Social Sciences) / 02-929-0220Natural Sciences and Engineering)
C. Editing due to Name Change / Misprints in Resident Registration Number
(1) Required documents
- School Register Information Correction Request Form
- An abstraction of the Resident Registration (which includes the correction history)
- A copy of Identification card or passport
(1) Required documents