Department Office : 02-3290-4132
![Prof. Hoh In](/_res/en_info/img/under/img_faculty_sw.jpg)
Head of the
Software Technology &
Entrepreneurship Program
Prof. Hoh In
The Software Technology & Entrepreneurship Program was established by the College of Informatics with funding by the Ministry of Science and ICT for universities specializing in software. The program aims to foster interdisciplinary talents who possess fundamental and applied knowledge in software technology, planning and management through interdisciplinary courses in software, technology management, and industrial management. Students will have opportunities to participate in internships and other real-world sessions under the guidance of outstanding faculty, industry experts, and graduate students. They will learn to think creatively and embrace challenges in the best learning environment, equipped with cutting-edge facilities and individual study rooms. They can also prepare to launch their own startups through startup support programs. The Software Technology & Entrepreneurship Program will provide top-class education to transform students into global software leaders. Your interest in the program is highly appreciated. Thank you.
![소프트웨어 벤처 융합전공 개설 과정](/_res/en_info/img/under/img_sw_guide01.jpg)
글로벌 수준의 SW 인재양성
글로벌 시장지향 마인드셋을 갖춘 SW산업 리더 육성
CEO - 글로벌SW 최고경영책임자 육성과정
- 캠퍼스 CEO 육상과정
- 벤처 창업 아이디어 경진대회
- VC 멘토단
산학협력 - 국내 산업체 연계
- 실무 위주의 프로젝트
- 산학 프로젝트 진행
- 국대 유수기업 인턴쉽 진행
글로벌 인재 - 해외기업 협력
- 글로벌 인재 역량 강화
- 해외기업 인턴쉽 기회 확보
- 영어 학습능력 배양
세계수준 교육 - 해외교육 프로그램
- 샐리콘밸리 창업교육 프로그램
우수학생 유치 - 참여학생 만족도 증대
- 우수교원의 확보 및 초빙
- 능동적인 면담 및 지도
- 졸업생 만족도 조사 및 피드백
Start up - 창업지원프로그램
- 각종 경진대회 실시
- 1:1 밀착 멘토링 지원
- 창업비용 지원
학점연계 - 전공/현장실습 강화
- 현장 전공실습 교육(12학점)
- 기업 멘토와의 밀착 교육
- 현장실습 경비 지원
Major Achievements of Students in Software Technology & Entrepreneurship Program
Name of Student | Name of Startup | Major Achievements |
Department of English Language and Literature
Lee Byung-hyun (STEP 1st generation) |
Stayes |
)School of Electrical Engineering
Jang Hyouk (STEP 1st generation) |
Polariant |
Department of Mathematics Sim So-young (STEP 1st generation) |
Dodotdo |
School of Art & Design Oh Jung-min (STEP 4th generation) |
Hidden Track |
Business School Kwon Ki-won (STEP 4.5th generation) |
Jobshopper |
Physical Education Park No-june (STEP 5th generation) |
Bbodek |